The Spiritual Family of Marie Rivier
Serving God's Children
We are consecrated women inspired by our foundress, Blessed Anne Marie Rivier.
Through contemplation of His Word
Through prayer and adoration
Through liturgical celebrations
Through Marian devotions
In and through community
In simplicity, joy, and compassion
With constant and generous zeal
Through Christian education
By the witness of our community life
By living gospel values
By embracing the mission of the Church
By ministry to the poor and the needy
By our passion to make Him known and loved
~Rule of Life~
Our primary mission is the education of the faith and reaching out to the poor with compassion. It is impossible for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard. Our Apostolic
ministry commands us from within and springs forth from our love of Christ. It is effective inasmuch as we surrender to Him so that He may speak and act through us, for without him we can do nothing. For more information see Our Ministries.
The mystery of the Presentation of Mary in the Temple invites us
to live in a spirit of worship and self-oblation
and to participate in the teaching mission of the Church
by the Christian education of youth
with special attention to the poor.
The charism which forms the framework of the structure of the Temple includes three great portals: spirituality, community, and mission.
~Rule of Life~
Two mysteries captured the heart of Marie Rivier, our Foundress,
and inspired the spirituality which she transmitted to her daughters:
the mystery of the Temple or the presence of God and
the mystery of the oblation of Christ and of his mother.
The spirituality of the
Sisters of the Presentation of Mary
is based on the spirit of Jesus Christ:
to know JESUS CHRIST in the Gospel,
to live JESUS CHRIST in his mysteries,
to reveal and teach JESUS CHRIST
by our whole life: such is our vocation.
~Rule of Life~
Our spirituality was born at the feet of the statue of the Pieta in a small village church in Montpezat, France. As a crippled child, Marie Rivier asked her mother to leave her in the church to pray while her mother did errands and worked. While there she begged our Lady to cure her and she promised to make Jesus Christ known and loved. For more information see Blessed Marie Rivier.
At the heart of our existence
is the mystery of our relationship with God,
the mystery of prayer.
In this inexpressible relationship of faith
is to be found all the meaning of our consecration;
in it is accomplished
our essential mission in the Church:
the service and praise of God.
Prayer is the joy of our life,
the secret of its fullness and fruitfulness.
~Rule of Life~
Gathered together by the Holy Spirit
through faith in the risen Christ we live,
at the heart of the Church, in fraternal communities.
~Rule of Life~
Together, we are invited by Christ
to listen to His Word,
to share our faith,
to participate in our mission
and to help each other live the Gospel
and the exigencies of our consecration,
in thanksgiving, sharing, and service.
~Rule of Life~
As Sisters of the Presentation of Mary our life lived in community is essential to who we are as daughters of Marie Rivier. We hope to inspire one another to live the Gospel as we strive to make Jesus Christ known and loved. Day by day, in the sanctity of our vocation we strive to love one another and to help one another grow in holiness. We live the “let us get together” in the day-to-day of our lives: our apostolic work, our sharing in community, and our liturgical and festive celebrations.